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optimum index中文是什么意思

用"optimum index"造句"optimum index"怎么读"optimum index" in a sentence


  • 最适指数
  • 最宜指数


  • Two indexes was calculated to estimate the best bands union for color combination , one is optimum index factor ( oif , the sum of standard deviation divided by the sum of correlation coefficient . ) , the other is the determinant of the co - variance matrix . it can be seen from the result that for color combination the original optimal bands were tm 4 , 3 , 7 and tm 4 , 3 , 5 , the best mixed images were mnf1 , br and ndvi
    以协方差矩阵行列式值和最佳指数值(组合波段标准差之和除以相关系数之和)为评价标准,得出对于tm原始波段而言,最佳的彩色合成组合是tm4 、 3 、 7和tm4 、 3 、 5 ;综合几种变换图像的彩色合成的最佳组合是mnf1 、 br 、 ndvi 。
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